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姓名: 李霞 出生年月: 1964.4
性别: 硕/博导: 博导
民族: 开设课程:
职称: 教授 研究方向: 植物共生固氮及逆境响应分子遗传学
学位: 理学博士


1981.09-1985.07 河北师范大学生物学,本科学生,获得理学学士学位
1988.09-1991.06 河北师范大学,硕士研究生,获得理学硕士学位
1998.01-2001.06 美国普渡大学园艺系博士研究生,获得博士学位

1985.07-1988.08 河北师范大学生物系(现生命学院)党总支秘书
1991.06-1992.06 河北师范大学生物系,助教
1992.06-1995.08 河北师范大学生物系,讲师,植物教研室副主任
1995.09-1997.12 美国普渡大学生物系和园艺系,访问学者
2001.06-2004.02 美国夭科特烟草公司,科学家(研究员)
2004.03-2015.08 入选中国科学院“百人计划”,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所和植物细胞和染色体工程国家重点实 验室,研究员,博士生导师。农业资源研究中心副主任,中心学术委员会主任
2015.9-至今 华中农业大学,植物科学技术学院, 教授,博士生导师


1. 大豆共生固氮调控机理研究

2、 植物耐逆和可塑性发育分子机制研究

(2)大豆高效及盐胁迫下稳效固氮相关miRNA和靶基因的克隆及功能验证,主持人,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2014 -2016
(5) 耐低温基因克隆与转基因小麦新种质创制,课题骨干,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2011-2015

(1)李霞,董章辉,石磊。一种与植物耐盐性相关的miRNA gma-miRN60及其应用, 专利号:ZL201110155710.8
(2)李霞,董章辉,石磊。一种与植物耐盐性相关的miRNA gma-miRN305及其应用,专利号:ZL201110155808.3
(3)李霞,邹艳敏,王幼宁,陈亮,石磊,李东晓,王延伟。一种培育转基因固氮植物的方法,专利号:ZL 201110155347.X
(4)李霞,董章辉,石磊。一种与植物耐盐性相关的miRNA gma-miRN39及其应用,专利号:ZL201110155765.9
(6)李霞,王幼宁,陈亮,石磊,李东晓。一种与植物耐低温相关的基因及其应用。专利号:ZL 201110155245.8
(8)李霞,赵彦坤,纪洪涛,王幼宁。 植物耐逆性相关蛋白GUI及其编码基因和应用,专利号:ZL 201010594990.8
(9)李霞,纪洪涛,王幼宁。植物耐低温蛋白TCF1及编码基因和应用,专利号:ZL 201010585989.9
(10)李霞,罗焱杰,纪洪涛,王志娟。植物耐逆性相关蛋白IMBE1及其编码基因和应用,专利号:ZL 201210090545.7
(12)李霞;王幼宁;陈亮;李科学;邹艳敏;王蕊。一种RNA干扰载体及其培育高结瘤固氮植物的应用。 专利号:ZL 201410005361.5
(13)李霞;王幼宁;邹艳敏;陈亮。RNA干扰载体片段、RNA干扰载体及其应用。专利号:ZL 201410003298.1


2014年 获得中国科学院遗传发育所2014年度“优秀团队奖”
2014年 获得河北省省直“三八红旗集体”荣誉称号
2011年 “盐胁迫下植物根系构型可塑性发育的生理和分子机理”获得河北省自然科学奖三等奖,第一完成单位
2011年 在中国科学院“百人计划”终期评估中获得优秀
2009年 获得中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师奖”
2008年 获得“河北省女职工建功立业标兵”荣誉称号
2004年 入选中国科学院“百人计划”,至今多次评为中心优秀个人和团队奖


Cai ZM#, Wang YN#, Zhu L, Tian YP, Chen L, Sun ZX, Ullah I, Li X*. (2017). GmTIR1/GmAFB3-based auxin perception regulated by miR393 modulates soybean nodulation, New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.14632.

Hussain RM, Ali M, Feng X, Li X*. (2017). The essence of NAC gene family to the cultivation of drought-resistant soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars. BMC Plant Biology, doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-1001-y.

Wang YN, Yuan JH, Yang W, Zhu L, Su C, Wang XD, Wu HY, Sun ZX, Li X*. (2017). Genome wide identification and expression profiling of ethylene receptor genes during soybean nodulation. Frontier in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00859.

Cheng CH#, Wang ZJ#, Yuan BJ, Li X*. (2017). RBM25 mediates abiotic responses in plants. Frontier in Plant Science, doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00292.

Zheng X, Liu HP, Ji HT, Wang YN, Dong BD, Qiao YZ, Liu MY*, Li X*. (2016). The wheat GT factor TaGT2L1D negatively regulates drought tolerance and plant development. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep27042.

Su C#, Liu L#, Liu HP, Ferguson BJ, Zou YM, Zhao YK, Wang T, Wang YN*, Li X*. (2016). H2O2 regulates root system architecture by modulating the polar transport and redistribution of auxin. Journal of Plant Biology, 59: 260-270.

Sun ZX#, Wang YN#, Mou FP, Tian YP, Chen L, Zhang SL, Jiang Q, Li X*. (2016). Genome- wide small RNA analysis of soybean reveals auxin-responsive microRNAs that are differentially expressed in response to salt stress in root apex. Frontier in Plant Science, 6: 1273.

Wang ZJ, Ji HT, Yuan BJ, Wang SF, Yao BJ, Su C, Li X*. (2015). ABA signalling is fine-tuned by antagonistic HAB1 variants. Nature Communications 6: 8138.

Ji HT#, Wang YN#, Cloix C#, Li KX#, Jenkins JI, Wang SF, Shang ZL, Shi Y, Yang SH, Li X*. (2015). The Arabidopsis RCC1 family protein TCF1 regulates freezing tolerance and cold acclimation through modulating lignin biosynthesis. PLoS Genetics 11: e1005471.

Cao D, Li Y, Wang Y, Nan H, Wang Y, Lu S, Jiang Q, Li X, Shi D, Fang C, Yuan X, Zhao X, Li X*, Liu B*, Kong F*. (2015) Gmmiar156b overexpression delays flowering time in soybean. Plant Molecular Biology 89: 353-363.

Wang YN, Li KX, Zhang SL, Chen L, Zou YM, Liu HP, Li DX, Wang R, Tian YP, Zhao F, Ferguson BJ, Gresshoff PM, Li X*. (2015). MicroRNA167-directed regulation of the auxin response factors, GmARF8a and GmARF8b, is required for soybean (Glycine max L.) nodulation and lateral root development. Plant Physiology 168: 101-116.

Wang YN#, Wang LX#, Zou YM#, Chen L, Cai ZM, Zhang SL, Zhao F, Tian YP, Jiang Q, Ferguson B, Gresshoff P, Li X*. (2014) Soybean miR172c targets the repressive AP2 transcription factor NNC1 to activate ENOD40 expression and regulate nodule initiation. Plant Cell 26: 4782-4801.

Ji HT, Wang SF, Li KX, Szakonyi D, Koncz C, Li X*. (2014) PRL1 modulates root stem cell niche activity and meristem size through WOX5 and PLTs in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 81: 399-412

Ji HT, Liu L, Li KX, Xie Q, Wang Z, Zhao X, Li X*. (2014) PEG-mediated osmotic stress induces premature differentiation of the root apical meristem and outgrowth of lateral roots in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 4863-4872.

Kong DJ, Li M, Dong ZH, Ji HT, Li X*. (2014) Identification of TaWD40D, a wheat WD40 repeat-containing protein that is associated with plant tolerance to abiotic stresses. Plant Cell Report 34: 395-410.

Zhang SL, Wang YN#, Li KX, Zou YM, Chen L, Li DX, Cai ZM, Wang LX, Wang R, Wang Y, Li X*. (2014) Uncovering miRNA-mediated responses to low temperature in nitrogen-fixing nodules of soybean. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15: 13596-13614.

Luo YJ#, Wang ZJ#, Ji HT, Fang H, Wang SF, Tian LN, Li X*. (2013) An Arabidopsis homolog of importin beta 1 is required for ABA response and drought tolerance. Plant Journal 75: 377-389.

Zou YM, Wang YN, Wang LX, Yang L, Wang R, Li X*. (2013) miR172b controls the transition to autotrophic development inhibited by ABA in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE 23: e64770.

Li D, Liu H, Qiao Y, Wang Y, Cai Z, Dong B, Shi C, Liu Y, Li X, Liu MY. (2013) Effects of elevated CO2 on the growth, seed yield, and water use efficiency of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under drought stress. Agricultural Water Management 129: 105-112.

Dong Z, Shi L, Wang Y, Chen L, Cai Z, Wang Y, Jin J, Li X*. (2013) Identification and dynamic regulation of microRNAs involved in salt stress responses in functional soybean nodules by high-throughput sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14: 2717-2738.

Peng Y, Ma W, Chen L, Yang L, Li S, Zhao H, Zhao Y, Jin W, Li N, Bevan MW, Li X, Tong Y, Li Y. (2013) Control of root meristem size by DA1-related protein 2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 16: 1542-1556.

Zhao HT, Liu L, Mo H, Qian L, Cui SJ, Li X, Ma LG. (2013) The ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCB19 regulates postembryonic organ separation in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE 8: e60809.

Ji HT, Pardo JM, Batelli G, Van Oosten MJ, Bressan RA, Li X*. (2013) The salt overly sensitive (SOS) pathway: established and emerging roles. Molecular Plant 6: 275-286.

Zhao H, Wang X, Zhu D, Cui S, Li X, Cao Y, Ma L. (2012) A single amino acid substitution in IIIf subfamily of basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factor AtMYC1 leads to trichome and root hair patterning defects by abolishing its interaction with partner proteins in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 14109-14121.

Hao L, Wang W, Chen C, Wang Y, Liu T, Li X, Shang Z. (2012) Extracellular ATP promotes stomatal opening of Arabidopsis thaliana through heterotrimeric G protein a subunit and reactive oxygen species. Molecular Plant 5: 852-864.

Zhao YK, Wang T, Zhang WS, Li X*. (2011) SOS3 mediates lateral root development under low salt stress through regulation of auxin redistribution and maxima in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 189: 1122-1134.

Cao M, Li X*. (2010) Die for living better: Plants modify root system architecture through inducing PCD in root meristem under severe water stress. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5: 1-2.

Orsini F, D'Urzo MP, Inan G, Serra S, Oh DH, Mickelbart MV, Consiglio F, Li X, Jeong JC, Yun DJ, Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA, Maggio A. (2010) A comparative study of salt tolerance parameters in 11 wild relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 37873798.

Zhao YK, Wang T, Zhang WS, Li X*. (2010) SOS3 mediates lateral root development under low salt stress through regulation of auxin redistribution and maxima in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 189: 1122-1134.

Duan YF, Zhang WS, Li B, Wang YN, Li KX, Sodmergen, Han CY, Li X*. (2010) An ER response pathway mediates programmed cell death of root tip induced by water stress in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 186: 681-95.

Xu J, Yin H, Liu X, Li X*. (2010) Salt affects plant Cd-stress responses by modulating growth and Cd accumulation. Planta 231: 449-59.

Xie Q, Yan X, Liao X, Li X*. (2009) The arsenic hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L. Environmental Science & Technology 43: 8488-8495.

Xu J, Yin H, Li X*. (2009). Protective effects of proline against cadmium toxicity in micropropagated hyperaccumulator, Solanum nigrum L. Plant Cell Reports 28: 325-33.

Wang ZJ, Li X*. (2009). IAN/GIMAPs are conserved and novel regulators in vertebrates and angiosperm plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior 4: 1-3.

Wang YN, Li KX, Li X*. (2009). Auxin redistribution modulates plastic development of root system architecture under salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology 166:1637-1645.

Wang YW, Li P, Cao XF, Wang X, Zhang AM, Li X*. (2009). Identification and expression analysis of miRNAs from nitrogen-fixing soybean nodules. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 378: 799-803.

Quist T, Sokolchik I, Shi H, Joly R, Bressan R, Maggio A, Narsimhan M, Li X*. (2009). HOS3, an ELO-Like gene, inhibits effects of ABA and implicates a S-1-P/Ceramide control system for abiotic stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant 2: 138-151.

Xu J, Yin H, Wang W, Mi Q, Liao X, Li X*. (2009). Identification of Cd-responsive genes of solanum nigrum seedlings through differential display. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 27: 563-569.

Wang X, Gao Z, Wang Y, Bressan RA, Weller SC, Li X*. (2009). Highly efficient in vitro adventitious shoot regeneration of peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) using internodal explants. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology- Plant 45: 435-440

Manabe Y, Bressan R, Wang T, Li F, Koiwa H, Sokolchik I, Li X*, Maggio A*. (2008). The Arabidopsis kinase-associated protein phosphatase regulates adaptation to Na+ stress. Plant Physiology 146: 612-622.

Sun FF, Zhang WS, Hu HZ, Li B, Wang Y, Zhao YK, Liu MY, Li X*. (2008) Salt modulates gravity signaling pathway to regulate growth direction of primary roots in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 146:178-88.

Wang YN, Zhang WS, Li KX, Sun FF, Han CY, Wang Y, Li X*. (2008). Salt-induced plasticity of root hair development is caused by ion disequilibrium in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Research 121: 87-98.

Wang YN, Li X*. (2008) Salt stress-induced cell reprogramming cell fate switch and adaptive plasticity during root hair development in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 3: 436 -438.

Li X*, Zhang W. (2008) Salt-avoidance tropism in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 3: 351-353.

Liu C, Wang T, Zhang WS, Li X*. (2008) Computational identification and analysis of immune-associated nucleotide gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology 165: 777-787.

Wang YN, Wang T, Li K, Li X*. (2008) Genetic analysis of involvement of ETR1 in plant response to salt and osmotic stress. Plant Growth Regulation 54: 261-269.

Li KX, Wang YN, Han C, Zhang WS, H Jia, Li X*. (2007) GA signaling and CO/FT regulatory module mediate salt-induced late flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation 53: 195-206.

Inan G, Goto F, Jin J, A Rosado, Koiwa H, Shi H, Hasegawa PM, Bressan RA, Maggio A, Li X*. (2007). Isolation and characterization of shs1, a sugar-hypersensitive and ABA-insensitive mutant with multiple stress responses. Plant Molecular Biology 65: 295-309.

Wang Y, C Liu, K Li, F Sun, H Hu, Li X*. (2007). Arabidopsis EIN2 modulates stress response through abscisic acid response pathway. Plant Molecular Biology 64: 633-644.

Zhang W, Li X, Liu JB. (2007). Genetic variation of Bmy1 alleles in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) investigated by CAPS analysis. Theoretical Applied Genetics 114: 1039-1050.

Liu L, Guo G, Wang Z, Ji H, Mou F, Li X*. (2014) Auxin in plant growth and stress responses. In:   Lam-Son Phan Tran and Sikander Pal (eds). Phytohormones: A window to metabolism, signaling and biotechnological application. Springer Science, New York, USA, pp1-35.

Zhao Y, Wang T, Zhang W, Li X*. (2010) The role of auxin in plastic development of plant root system architecture in response to abiotic stimuli. Plant Nutrition and Abiotic Stress Tolerance. Global Science Books. Isleworth, UK, pp19-32.


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