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姓名: 范楚川 出生年月: .0
性别: 硕/博导: 博导
民族: 开设课程: 《普通遗传学》、《细胞生物学》、《植物生物技术概论》和《植物功能基因组学研究进展》
职称: 教授 研究方向: 油菜产量相关性状的重要基因的克隆与功能鉴定
学位: 理学博士


2006年6月博士毕业于华中农业大学生化与分子生物学专业,后留校于植物科学技术学院遗传教研室。2008年3月-9月在美国Donald Danforth Plant Science Center进行访问学习。现为作物遗传改良国家重点实验室固定研究人员、油菜研究团队成员,主要从事油菜产量性状的遗传基础研究,包括油菜粒重、每角果粒数、多室等主要性状的基因定位和关联分析、主效基因位点的基因克隆和基因功能的鉴定;同时,利用分子标记辅助选择技术、转基因技术和基因组定点编辑技术等创建优异的油菜材料,为油菜的高产优质育种提供资源。教学上面向本科生主讲《普通遗传学》、《细胞生物学》和《生物技术综合实验》等课程;面向研究生讲授《植物生物技术概论》和《植物功能基因组学研究进展》。

7. 白菜型油菜角果多室基因mc的克隆与功能分析。国家自然基金,2014-2017,主持
9. 油菜粒重优异等位基因的克隆及调控机理研究。 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子项目,2015-2019,主持
10. 多室油菜的分子调控机理及其应用研究。校自主创新基金(高水平论文培育项目),2015.9-2020.9,主持
11. 甘蓝型油菜多室种质资源创新及其形成的分子机理研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017.1-2020.12,主持

1.张启发,范楚川,邢永忠. 一种控制水稻谷粒粒长和粒重的主效基因GS3. 中国专利授权号:ZL 200610018107.4
2.Zhang QF, Fan Chuchuan, Xing YZ. Rice Gene, GS3, Exerting Primary Control Over Grain Length and Grain Weight. 美国专利,Application No. US 12/159964
6.何予卿;李一博; 邢永忠;范楚川;张启发,一种控制水稻谷粒粒宽和粒重的主效基因GS5的克隆与应用,中国专利

2.邢永忠、张启发、何予卿、范楚川、徐才国. 水稻产量和品质的遗传基础剖析及两个数量性状位点克隆. 2011年湖北省的自然科学一等奖
3.李一博、何予卿、范楚川、邢永忠等. Natural variation in GS5 plays an important role in regulating grain size and yield in rice. 2012年湖北省自然科学优秀论文奖特等奖
5. 张启发、邢永忠、何予卿、余四斌、范楚川.水稻产量性状的遗传与分子生物学基础. 2016年国家自然科学奖二等奖
6. 李一博、何予卿、范楚川、邢永忠等. Chalk5 encodes a vacuolar H+-translocating pyrophosphatase influencing grain chalkiness in rice. 2016年湖北省自然科学优秀论文奖特等奖

1. Fan CC, Yu XQ, Xing YZ et al. The main effects, epistatic effects and environmental interactions of QTLs on cooking and eating quality of rice in a doubled haploid line population. Theor Appl Genet, 2005, 110:1445-1452

2. Fan CC, Xing YZ, Mao HL et al. GS3, a major QTL for grain length and weight and minor QTL for grain width and thickness in rice, encodes a putative transmembrane protein. Theor Appl Genet, 2006, 112: 1164-1171

3. Fan CC, Pecchioni N, Chen LQ. Genetic structure and proposed conservation strategy for natural populations of Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S.Y. Chang (Calycanthaceae). Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2008, 88:179-186

4. Fan CC, Yu SB, Wang CR et al. A causal C–A mutation in the second exon of GS3 highly associated with rice grain length and validated as a functional marker. Theor Appl Genet, 2009, 118:465-472

5.Fan CC, Cai GQ, Qing J et al. Mapping of quantitative trait loci and development of allele-specific markers for seed weight in Brassica napus. Theor Appl Genet, 2010, 121:1289-1301

6.Li Yibo, Fan CC, Xing YZ et al. Natural variation in GS5 plays an important role in regulating grain size and yield in rice. Natural Genetics, 2011, 43(12):1266-1269

7.Li X, Yu E, Fan C, Zhang C, Fu T, Zhou Y. Developmental, cytological and transcriptional analysis of autotetraploid Arabidopsis. Planta, 2012,236(2): 1266-1269

8.Yang,Q,Fan C, Guo Z, Qin J, Wu J, Li Q, Fu T, Zhou Y. Identification of FAD2 and FAD3 genes in Brassica napus genome and development of allele-specific markers for high oleic and low lonolenic acid contents. Theor Appl Genet,2012,125:715-729

9.Guangqin Cai, Qingyong Yang, Qian Yang, Zhenxing Zhao, Hao Chen, Jian Wu, Chuchuan Fan and Yongming Zhou*. Identification of candidate genes of QTLs for seed weight in Brassica napus through comparative mapping among Arabidopsis and Brassica species. BMC Genetics, 13, pp105, 2012

10.Maoyin Li, Sung Chul Bahn, Chuchuan Fan, Jia Li, Tien Phan, Michael Ortiz, Mary R. Roth, Ruth Welti, Jan Jaworski, and Xuemin Wang. Patatin-Related Phospholipase pPLAIIIδ Increases Seed Oil Content with Long Chain Fatty Acids in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 2013, 162: 39-51

11.Jian Wu, Guangqin Cai, Jiangying Tu, Lixia Li, Sheng Liu, Xinping Luo, Lipeng Zhou, Chuchuan Fan, Yongming Zhou. Identification of QTLs for Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot and BnaC.IGMT5.a as a Candidate Gene of the Major Resistant QTL SRC6 in Brassica napus. Plos one, 2013, 8(7): e67740

12.Yibo Li, Chuchuan Fan, Yongzhong Xing, Peng Yun, Lijun Luo, Bao Yan, Bo Peng, Weibo Xie, Gongwei Wang, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao, Caiguo Xu & Yuqing He. Chalk5 encodes a vacuolar H+-translocating pyrophosphatase influencing grain chalkiness in rice. Nature Genetics, 2014, 46:398-404

13.Guangqin Cai, Jiejing Ban, Keqiao Zhang, Chuchuan Fan*, and Yongming Zhou. Characteristics of a novel multilocular mutant of Brassica napus L. for increasing plant yield. Jokull Journal, 2014, 64(5): 350-361

14.Yu Erru*, Fan Chuchuan*, Yang Qingyong, Li Xiaodong, Wan Bingxi, Dong Yanni, Wang Xuemin, Zhou Yongming. Identification of heat responsive genes in Brassica napus siliques at the seed-filling stage through transcriptional profiling. Plos one, 2014, 9(7): e101914

15.Chuchuan Fan, Yudi Wu, Qingyong Yang, Yang Yang, Qingwei Meng, Keqiao Zhang, Jinguo Li, Jinfang Wang, Yongming Zhou. A Novel Single-Nucleotide Mutation in a CLAVATA3Gene Homologue Controls a Multilocular Silique Trait in Brassica rapa L. Molecular plant, 2014, doi:10.1093/mp/ssu090

16.Nailin Xing, Chuchuan Fan, Yongming Zhou. Parental selection of hybrid breeding based on maternal and paternal inheritance of traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). PLOS One, 2014, 9 (7): e103165

17.Boulos Chalhoub, France Denoeud, Shengyi Liu et al. Early allopolyploid evolution in the post-neolithic Brassica napus oilseed genome. Science, 2014, 345, 950: DOI: 10.1126/science.1253435

18. 李永鹏, 程焱, 蔡光勤, 范楚川, 周永明. 油菜每角果粒数差异的细胞学基础和分子机理. 中国科学(生命科学), 2014, 44(8): 822-831

19. Bo Peng, Lingqiang Wang, Chuchuan Fan, Gonghao Jiang, Lijun Luo, Yibo Li, Yuqing He. Comparative mapping of chalkiness components in rice using five populations across two environments. BMC Genetics, 2014, 15:49

20.Dong Yanni, Li Maoyin, Zhang Peng, Wang Xuemin, Fan Chuchuan*, Zhou Yongming*. Patatin-related phospholipase pPLAIIIδ influences auxin-responsive cell morphology and organ size in Arabidopsis and Brassica napus. BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:332

21. Cai G, Yang Q, Yi B, Fan C, Edwards D, Batleyet J, Zhou Y. A Complex Recombination Pattern in the Genome of Allotetraploid Brassica napus as Revealed by a High-Density Genetic Map. PLoS ONE, 2014 9(10): e109910

22. Liu H, Yang QY, Fan CC*, Zhao XQ, Wang XM, Zhou YM*. Transcriptomic basis of functional difference and coordination between seeds and the silique wall of Brassica napus during the seed-?lling stage. Plant Science, 2015, 233:186-199

23. Qingyuan Li, Mei Yin, Yongpeng Li, Chuchuan Fan, Qingyong Yang, Jian Wu, Chunyu Zhang, Hong Wang and Yongming Zhou*. Expression of Brassica napus TTG2, a regulator of trichome development, increases plant sensitivity to salt stress by suppressing the expression of auxin biosynthesis genes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, doi:10.1093/jxb/erv287

24. Cai G, Yang Q, Chen H, Yang Q, Zhang C, Fan C, Zhou Y*, Genetic dissection of plant architecture and yield-related traits in Brassica napus, Sci Rep, 2016, 6: 21625

25. Wu J, Zhao Q, Yang Q, Liu H, Li Q, Yi X, Cheng Y, Guo L, Fan C, Zhou Y*, Comparative transcriptomic analysis uncovers the complex genetic network for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus, Sci Rep, 2016, 6: 19007

26. Liu S, Fan C, Li J, Cai G, Yang Q, Wu J, Yi X, Zhang C, Zhou Y*, A genome-wide association study reveals novel elite allelic variations in seed oil content of Brassica napus, Theor Appl Genet, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00122-016-2697-z

细胞生物学实验教程. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2014.1 (普通高等教育农业部”十二五”规划教材, 全国高等农林院校”十二五”规划教材, ISBN 978-7-109-18621-7

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